Source: Barry Werner
Leaders must make it clear what it takes to be part of their team. Read Matthew 8:18-22.
As Jesus’ popularity throughout Israel grew, many people wanted to join His team—become one of His disciples. Jesus made it clear that to become a member of His team, individuals would have to be more devoted to Him than to personal comfort or even family approval. One way He screened those who wanted to be on His team was to test their level of commitment to Him and to the kingdom. Jesus never begged anyone to follow Him and He always issued tough challenges to potential followers. In fact, Jesus at times openly evaluated His followers to insure where they stood.
Every effective leader knows that a team can accomplish more than an individual. To function well a team must be committed to a common vision and purpose. Even though teams by nature require specialists, team members must be willing to work in unity for the emprovement of the whole rather than only personal advancement. Good team members are willing to combine their strengths to help one another succeed personally, benefit the organization, and honor God’s plan for interaction between people.
Have you evaluated the heart of your team members lately? Have you looked at their motivation for being on the team? Has selfish ambition replaced team synergism? Have you evaluated your own actions; are you doing everything you can to foster team spirit and mutual respect for each other? Team members’ commitment to the cause, the leader, and to each other is critical to an organization’s success.
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