“I have complexity. I need simplicity.” I heard a leader say today.
Life can become very complicated. We are constantly bombarded with information. Technology is changing at a pace that very few can keep up with. Relationships are always challenging.
I struggle with balancing work, parenting, being a husband, recreation, responsibilities, church life, aging parents, and personal growth. Currently, I am trying to read four books and not making much progress in any of them. Thank goodness my wife pays all the bills! I mean, it feels like a personal victory when I get the grass cut.
You know what’s funny. I need to stop whining because I have nothing to complain about. My life is no busier, complicated, or demanding than anyone else’s. We all struggle with balancing life’s tensions.
However, there is hope for all of us! In a word – Leadership. One of the great things about quality leadership is it provides solutions. Solutions bring simplicity.
Here are 10 things leaders provide that bring solutions and simplify your life:
1. Leaders bring inspiration instead of more information.
2. Leaders give direction.
3. Leaders lighten the load.
4. Leaders make additional resources available.
5. Leaders coach.
6. Leaders create and funnel opportunities to their team.
7. Leaders allow time for replenishment and refreshment.
8. Leaders build systems.
9. Leaders prioritize relationships.
10. Leaders say “Thank You”.
So keep your Rubik’s Cube. Complexity is overrated. I need solutions and simplicity. Leaders, what are you doing to bring simplicity to your life as well as those you lead?
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