Segue abaixo o texto em inglês. MAS ANTES, meus comentários sobre os motivos alistados:
Motivo 1: falta de conexão do líder com a equipe
Motivo 2: falta de reconhecimento do trabalho bem feito (meritocracia)
Motivo 3: falta de organização, prioridades e limites no trabalho
Motivo 4: problemas na contratação ou a pessoa mudou de visão
Motivo 5: arrogância? falha na distribuição de papéis na equipe? má contratação?
Motivo 6: é incrível como líderes "natos" podem ser rudes! Falta de limites e feedback aos rudes (sim, eu sei que é difícil confrontar uma pessoa rude na maioria das vezes)
Motivo 7: lamentável, mas a culpa é exclusivamente do chefe. Chefes precisam ser líderes-servo
According to a recent survey, 40 percent of professionals want to quit their job. I’m curious, is that higher than you would think? I’d love to know what percentage on our staff feels that way….(hopefully not that high!)
As one who studies and writes about organizational health, these numbers frustrate me. What can be done to improve job satisfaction? I love the interview Brad Lomenick did recently with Tony Hsieh of Zappos about their corporate culture. Check it out HERE. Zappos appears to be a place people want to work and one that is remaining very profitable.
According to the Nashville Business Journal, here is a list of reasons U.S. professionals cited for wanting to quit their jobs this year, accompanied by the percentage of respondents who cited the reason:
• Lack of communication and involvement by top management, 40 percent
• Lack of promotion despite good work results, 37 percent
• Overwork, 34 percent
• Lack of company “vision,” 31 percent
• Lack of belief in colleagues’ competence, 28 percent
• Lack of administrative support, 26 percent
• Rude colleagues, 21 percent
• Boss takes credit for their work, 20 percent
Read more: Survey: 40 percent of U.S. professionals want to quit – Nashville Business Journal
What do you think? Should the number be that high? Would you have thought it would be lower of higher? If you are brave, share which side of the percentage you are in today. Are you ready to quit…or loving your work? If you did, which would be your reason for quitting?
Fonte: Ron Edmondson
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