terça-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2011

Expand Your Skills (HBR + John Maxwell)

Expand Your Skills to Stay Relevant
From HBR

The world of work changes quickly. The skills that make you successful today probably won't be the same forever. This means that whatever your specialty, it's at risk of being outdated soon. You don't need a crystal ball to see what skills you'll need in the future. Instead, actively seek out opportunities that allow you to develop new skills, gain different experiences, and expand your networks. You may not need to open multiple career paths right now, but doing this will create more alternative futures. Don't forget to think about what value these new skills bring to your organization. Being valuable is another way to expand your future options.

Position or Preparation?
From: John Maxwell

Good leadership is learned in the trenches. Leading as well as they can wherever they are is what prepares leaders for more and greater responsibility. Becoming a good leader is a lifelong learning process. If you don’t try out your leadership skills and decision-making process when the stakes are small and the risks are low, you’re likely to get into trouble at higher levels when the cost of mistakes is high, the impact is far reaching, and the exposure is greater. Mistakes made on a small scale can be easily overcome. Mistakes made when you’re at the top can cost the organization greatly, and they damage a leader’s credibility.
How do you become the person you desire to be? You start now to adopt the thinking, learn the skills, and develop the habits of the person you wish to be. It’s a mistake to daydream about “one day” when you’ll be on top, instead of handling today so that it prepares you for tomorrow. As Hall of Fame basketball coach John Wooden said, “When opportunity comes it’s too late to prepare.” If you want to be a successful leader, learn to lead BEFORE you have a leadership position.

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